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What types of video files is Vset3D compatible with?
Vset3D is compatible with HD , Full HD and 4K videos. The features available will depend on the codecs that are installed on your computer.
Codec video :
Is your software available to purchase in the United States ?
Our software is available to purchase if you live in the US. We accept Paypal as online payment.
How Can I Pay?
Credit card: With PayPal “Guest Checkout” without creating an PayPal account.
PayPal: PayPal enables you to send payments quickly and securely using a credit card or bank account.
Bank transfer: We accept international wire transfers
Can I use Vset3D as virtual set with other software?
Yes, Vset3D uses NDI® technology which allows you to send and receive video over IP. The videos below show how VSet3D can be used as a virtual set with VMix, OBS or Wirecast. You can do the same with the Newtek® Tricaster® . You can use the vMix® chroma key and send transparent videos to Vset3D thanks to NDI® Alpha 32 video. Vset3D and MIX Vset3D and OBS
Vset3D and WireCast
What is DMX ?
It’s a standard control protocol in the lighting industry.
This video will give you lots of information about DMX >>
DMX / Artnet :
This is the list of DMX light fixtures available in Vset3D Show at the moment :
- Simple RGB light – 3 DMX channels (up to 80 simple lights available in Vset3D).
- LED barre 8X3 RGB (up to 80 LED barres available in Vset3D).
- Compatible Clay-pakySharpy moving head – 16 DMXchannels (up to 80Sharpy available inVset3D).
- Compatible Martin aura moving head – 14 channels (up to 80 auras available in Vset3D).
- Custom moving head 18 Channels (up to 80 Custom moving heads available in Vset3D).
- We can provide the fixture file for SunLite.
All fixtures are coded to act like the real device when DMX command is received (some features
are not available).
Vset3D is compatible with Compatible with Sunlite Suite, LightJams, Q Light Controller Plus, DMXControl 3, ShowMagic , grandMA , Avolites and more…
What is Freed tracking
FreeD is a protocol that sends camera positioning data directly from the camera to a virtual reality production system.